Healthcare Gateway supports joined up care across Nottinghamshire with GPRCC’s MIG accreditation

Healthcare Gateway supports joined up care across Nottinghamshire with GPRCC’s MIG accreditation

The General Practice Repository for Clinical Care (GPRCC) is now accredited for the Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG), allowing for bi-directional feeds of valuable patient data across Nottinghamshire. 

The GPRCC is a standalone, centralised repository in Nottinghamshire that stores patient data pulled together from all General Practices in Nottinghamshire, alongside data from Community Service Providers, Acute trusts, Mental Health Trusts, Councils and NHS 111 in the area, to provide a holistic view of a patient’s record. 

MIG accreditation of the GPRCC will facilitate real-time sharing of this rich patient data across local healthcare settings and enable integrated feeds of the data into the local eHealthScope programme accessed by healthcare professionals. Healthcare Gateway’s bespoke GPRCC dataset contains up to five tabs of data, including: Care Plans, End of Life, Frailty, Mental Health Diagnoses, and Major Diagnoses. 

Once live, healthcare organisations who previously had no access to GPRCC data, such as NHS 111, will be able to provide more informed, safer care. Clinicians will no longer have to rely on patients’ memories, leading to improved coordination of care and clinical safety. 

“It’s a big step forward for us to be able to push data we receive from health and social care providers across our ICS into MIG for patient care. We hope to make it easier in hot spots like ED and when discharging frail elderly patients to provide the information required to make complex decisions about their ongoing care.”

“We are delighted that clinicians across Nottinghamshire will be able to access the rich data held by GPRCC. Healthcare professionals will be able to provide patients with the best possible care, making faster, safer decisions, and patients will experience an improved coordinated approach to their care.

We are excited to see these benefits realised and are thrilled to have worked with Nottinghamshire on this exciting project.”

Find out more

To find out more about the process for becoming an accredited partner and the benefits of integrating with the MIG, get in touch with a member of our team here.