Cancer Dataset

People with cancer often develop new and acute problems which require an urgent response either as a consequence of their illness or treatment. 

Patients and their carers may be unprepared for such situations and in most cases treatment involves complex care from a number of different professionals and specialties. Where there’s concern for the immediate health of a patient they will be admitted to hospital and treated by someone who may be unfamiliar with the details of their condition.

Our Cancer Care Dataset provides healthcare professionals, who treat acutely ill cancer patients, with the information they need about the patient in an easy to understand format. It includes care planning information and the preferences of the patient to help the clinician to make informed treatment decisions faster.

The Cancer Dataset is one of four Crisis Datasets which support care planning for patients with complex and chronic health conditions.

What’s included?

Our Crisis Care Datasets provide a specialist view of data which is made up of specific coded entries. Typically information is presented under separate tabs and viewed alongside the categories of data provided by the Detailed Care Record.

Each Crisis Care Dataset shows four common categories of information:

End of life care status

This information will show the clinician whether the carer, patient and relatives are aware of the prognosis and treatment. It also includes details of the admission avoidance care plan and the GSF supportive care stage observations.


This section summarises all types of healthcare professionals which are involved in the care of a patient. It also shows the next of kin.

Advanced care planning

This section includes the patient preferences, lasting power of attorney and instructions on whether CPR should be attempted.

Death details

This includes the place and cause of death.


This additional view of data is only available in the Cancer Care Dataset. It includes a diagnosis for the patient to show the type of cancer which has been identified.

What are the benefits?

Our Cancer Care Dataset will support communication between different services to enable more effective and coordinated care. It ensures that all those involved in the care of the patient have the most recent and detailed information about the patient, which will improve safety, make it easier to manage challenging situations and provide more satisfying clinical encounters.

More information

For more information about how this data could support your healthcare professionals, please get in touch here.