
Schema definitions for each MIG web service.

Schema Bundle

All resources below bundled together into a ZIP file archive.



Complex XML objects used to represent common data items across many services.
Example objects include Person, Organisation, User, Address, Document


Defines the data types available to be used with MIG services. These definitions describe the structure of for how these common pieces of information can be represented in XML.


MIG messages contain a serviceHeader element to specify where the message originated, and in some services the target organisation the message.


Complete XML schema definitions for each MIG service (request / response). These files describe the elements available to be used in each service, where they need to go and how many of them there can be.


Schema definitions relevant to the Interoperability ToolKit (ITK) messaging standard defined by NHS Digital.
Contents includes datatypes, message schemas, vocabulary and web service definitions (WSDL).


The payload of a MIG request / response is populated in the serviceContent element. These files describe the elements available to be used in each service, where they need to go and how many of them there can be.


Enumerated values available to elements that are required to be populated with a value from a predefined set of data.


Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) – Machine readable interface description used to set out the functionality offered by the MIG web service. This includes how the service can be called, what parameters it expects, and what data structures it returns.


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